Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Reevaluation of Planned Parenthood Scandal

On July 24, 2015, I have posted a review of my thoughts over the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)’s scandal that the organization was harvesting organs from aborted fetuses. In this editorial/commentary, I am reexamining the issue with this question in mind: Is Planned Parenthood actually selling tissues or was this all hypothetical? This question alone was enough to create uncertainty within my last claim stating that Planned Parenthood should be punished for their actions. Upon researching the legality and credentials of the matter, my perspective has changed over the issue and I have come to realize that there might be something else – good intentions that are completely legal – underneath the immoral video evidence.

Hidden camera videos of Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical research of Planned Parenthood, shows how the organization is “systematically harvesting and trafficking” human organs and body parts exposed by The Center of Medical Progress’s undercover actors. However, the true story behind the viral video suggests that the actions of Planned Parenthood is in fact legal. The law 42 U.S. Code § 289g—2 states that fetal tissue donation and maintenance is not illegal in the United States, but profiting from it is. Eric Ferrero, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America states that the organization is not profiting or obtaining any “valuables” from the donated tissues, rather reimbursement covering the costs of transportation services is legal. The PPFA is undergoing further investigation under Gov. Greg Abbott. He ordered the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to launch a separate investigation which may occur within the next month. In the meantime, there is no proper evidence suggesting that PPFA has been profiting from donated fetal tissue. Therefore, Texas should continue funding for PPFA despite pro-life activists wanting to ban abortion altogether. “We are aware that some Texas politicians are actively seeking to ban abortion and defund Planned Parenthood and now this controversial video is being used to continue that effort,” Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas said in an article from The Dallas Morning News on July 15, 2015.

Continuing funding for PPFA allows them to continue their practices – maintaining and storing donated organs from aborted fetuses – as it benefits public health and scientific research and discovery. These tissues are transported (not sold) to institutions and hospitals aimed to progress stem cell research, provide vaccines and regenerative medicines, and to make up for shortages of organ donors (Published article on NBC News, July 17, 2015). Without these crucial organ tissues, NeuralStem Inc. will not be able to continue their therapies for patients with damaged spinal cords, treatment for Parkinson’s disease and diabetes will come to a halt without needed stem cells, the possibility of creating organs for patients will cease just to name a few. Defunding the PPFA will correlate in the loss of discovery and advancement in medical research and in turn will negatively impact the nation’s health due to that loss.

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